Workplace Simulation - Assignment Example This assessment focusses on providing comprehensive advice in a financial planning context. It requires the construction of a Statement of Advice, in a scaled context, with a focus on a transition-to-retirement strategy for a fictitious couple. Precise modelling is required including ensuring, among other things, that superannuation contributions caps are not exceeded. Appropriate warnings of the risks of scaled advice are addressed. Documentary procedures such as file note requirements are assessed. Advice areas including debt recycling strategies are explored. Comparing margin lending to home equity loans are also covered. Investment platform solutions are canvassed, as are investment strategies that focus on blending fund managers with a focus on core-satellite investment approaches. Insurance strategies including managing possible exclusions in the underwriting process are canvassed as are non-insurance premium related factors.

Technology Forecasting Essay The various mathematical models being used to carry out forecasts sometimes lead to significant errors. This occurs because the development of new relationships is not taken into account and possible trends changes are considered negligible. A major failure in forecasting arises from the fact that social and political issues are not taken into consideration when forecasting is carried out. It is impossible to predict the future based only on past data. The models that do that are actually excluding qualitative parameters such as the opinion of the individuals. Therefore it is essential to use a different method for dealing with these problems. According to the theory of Godet, the future is not a continuation of the past but an “outcome of the wishes of various actors and the constraints imposed on them by the environment” (Godet 1982). The configuration of prices within an energy market depends a lot on the balance between the supply and demand for energy.

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution skills - Coursework Example We inquired our boss about the rumor and she said under no circumstances would be job be given based on preferential treatment. Two weeks later the job was given to cousin of the manager. I was very angry and disappointed because my boss has lied to us. I began to avoid my boss. My contract was up and I refused to sign another contract because I felt uncomfortable working under a person with such low ethical standards. The conflict resolution technique that I used without realizing was avoidance. Avoidance involves pretending the conflict does not exist (Shermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, 2003). During this course I learned a lot about conflict resolution. Based on my new knowledge and the fact that I have matured lot since then I would have handled the situation differently. A conflict resolution technique that would have improved my relations with my boss was accommodation. People that use accommodation style of conflict resolution value relationship and realize that conflict will only harm relationships (Sdcoe, 2011).

Connectivity A Consumer Trend Marketing Essay This project is in lieu of 50% of our grade. This report is based on connectivity as a consumer trend. It throws light on the history, evolution and future of connectivity as a trend. This report has been compiled by Athina DSilva (ID-101648277) and Callahan Brown (ID-101664347), under the supervision and guidance of Professor Noela Michael. C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeMEDIACAGCAT10j0287005.wmf CONSUMER TREND: CONNECTIVITY WHAT IS A CONSUMER TREND? According to ANDY HINES, it is important to keep track of consumer trends as it helps in providing a primer on the evolving global trends, and how these global trends further evolve in the future (Hines. A 2008, p23). The knowledge gathered from the study of trends can be put to use in terms of detecting threats, uncovering new opportunities, crafting strategies, exploring new market products and services and most importantly understanding consumer needs.

ectivity A Consumer Trend Marketing Essay


We Can Change the World I’ve been in many neighborhoods that were ugly and messy until one time in 1992 when we moved to Florence and Central. When I first saw this area, I felt scared and sad. I especially hated the black gate that made our street seem like a prison. The worst things were the bad neighborhoods, drugs, violence, and homeless people. On the first day, I could smell the aroma of old garbage mixed with beer and spoiled food. Just one sniff of that disgusting dump made me vomit until I had nothing left to exit. All the streets were dumped with pieces of garbage such as used diapers, used sanitary napkins, and dead rats. The streets were cleaned every day, but at the end of the day they were dirty again. One day while walking down the street, I found a dead dog that was thrown away like trash. I felt sad since that animal once had life and was probably killed for the fun of it. My new block was a disaster and I never saw any people around. The only people alive there were retired people.


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