Murder and Mental Breakdown in The Tell-Tale Heart and The Picture of Dorian Gray Dr. James Knoll, a criminological therapist, says, The neurosis exists on a range of seriousness. Numerous culprits are in the center, hazy area where specialists will differ about the general commitments of good disappointment versus mental pain. Dr. Glade makes reference to that, in killers, the line that characterizes their thought processes will in general be fairly dark. Both Dorian Gray of the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray and the storyteller in The Tell-Tale Heart harbor genuine mental, in the long run driving them to kill; the thought processes behind their activities have comparative roots: madness. Dorian Gray and the Tell-Tale Heart storyteller both have neurosis and dynamically become intellectually more terrible after some time, indicating the hazy area of good versus mental issues. The Picture of Dorian Gray paints an extremely distinctive progression of occasions that shows a youngster's finished change from honesty to defilement.

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